Register Info
We request a few details when you log in to Fast Flirting in order to be able to match you with the types of people you are interested in.
Firstly, provide email and select password for your profile - these will be used for Login, so easy to remember ones are advised.
Then enter a nickname for yourself - we advise not using your own name, but rather to use an alias.
Finally, you need to submit some basic information about your age and gender. Note that it is a condition of the service that Users are 18 or over.
After you are in the service, you will be able to choose to fill in other details such as Starsign and a PickupLine, and select an iconic representation of yourself to appear beside your name.
Don't forget that you'll also be able to upload photos when you've logged in.
Firstly, provide email and select password for your profile - these will be used for Login, so easy to remember ones are advised.
Then enter a nickname for yourself - we advise not using your own name, but rather to use an alias.
Finally, you need to submit some basic information about your age and gender. Note that it is a condition of the service that Users are 18 or over.
After you are in the service, you will be able to choose to fill in other details such as Starsign and a PickupLine, and select an iconic representation of yourself to appear beside your name.
Don't forget that you'll also be able to upload photos when you've logged in.